Number of Years Cheering: 5.5 Years
Current Appointments: Co-Coach of NTU Hall 9
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '06 Champion
Cheerobics '07 Champion
Cheerobics '08 Champion
Cheerobics '08 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
Cheerobics '09 (Partner Stunts) Champion
2nd ATCI Thailand '10 (Partner Stunts) 1st Runner-Up
1st CAIO Japan '07 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
Cheerleading Word Championships 2011 4th Placing (LIONS)
Asia Thailand Cheerleading Invitational (ATCI) - Team - 1st Runner Up
1st CAIO Japan '07 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
Cheerleading Word Championships 2011 4th Placing (LIONS)
Asia Thailand Cheerleading Invitational (ATCI) - Team - 1st Runner Up
Having been in cheerleading for most of her university life and after that, Ruth has become one of Singapore's top flyers. Her skills range from various partner stunts, gymnastics, basket-tosses and pyramids. All of which she can execute very well and to perfection. Her ever burning desire to be the best of the best shows in the stunts that she does and her professionalism is evident as well. Having participated in various local and international competitions, Ruth is ready to show the world what a true cheerleader should be!
Number of Years Cheerleading: 5.5 Years
Current Appointments: Assistant Coach NUS Alpha Verve
Co-Coach NTU Hall 12
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '07 Champion
Cheerobics '08 Champion
Cheerobics '08 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
1st CAIO Japan '07 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
IFC Worlds '09 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
IFC Certified Coach Class 2
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
ICU Certified Judge Level 1
ICU Certified Judge Level 2
Cheerleading Word Championships 2011 4th Placing (LIONS)
A professional cheerleader; Xuewei has taken cheerleading in Singapore to new heights. Together with her partner Xingwei, they are the first to try and hit many new stunts in Singapore, such as Full Ups and Full Arounds. She has helped to develop the cheer scene in Singapore to levels never dreamed of before. She has a very diverse skill set ranging from basket-tosses, pyramids, gymnastics and partner stunts. All of which she excels at in every way. She enjoys cheerleading, both recreational and competitive and is a constant role model and encouragement to many of the budding cheerleaders in Singapore!
IFC Certified Coach Class 2
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
ICU Certified Judge Level 1
ICU Certified Judge Level 2
Cheerleading Word Championships 2011 4th Placing (LIONS)
A professional cheerleader; Xuewei has taken cheerleading in Singapore to new heights. Together with her partner Xingwei, they are the first to try and hit many new stunts in Singapore, such as Full Ups and Full Arounds. She has helped to develop the cheer scene in Singapore to levels never dreamed of before. She has a very diverse skill set ranging from basket-tosses, pyramids, gymnastics and partner stunts. All of which she excels at in every way. She enjoys cheerleading, both recreational and competitive and is a constant role model and encouragement to many of the budding cheerleaders in Singapore!
Number of Years Cheerleading: 4.5 Years
Ex-Team: KR Steppers (NUS Kent Ridge Hall)
Current Appointments: ASTROS Dance Coach
Bazgym Instructor (Gymnastics)
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '07 1st Runner-up
Cheerobics '08 1st Runner-Up
Cheerobics '09 2nd Runner-Up (Team)
Cheerobics '09 1st Runner-Up (All girls)
1st ATCI '09 (Group stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
IFC Worlds '09 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
Being an artistic gymnast during her primary and secondary school years has allowed Jia Hui to become one of the best flyers in Singapore, with unrivaled flexibility and stunts. Don't be fooled by her cute and pretty looks, she is a very disciplined and motivated cheerleader. Her skills include basket-tosses, partner stunts, gymnastics and pyramids. Her always smiling and bubbly personality brings a smile to everyones faces on the mats and her constant encouragement helps to continues to make cheerleading a fun sport for everyone!

Number of Years Cheerleading: 2.5 Years
Current Appointments: Player/Assistant Coach for NTU Hall 9
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '09 1st Runner-Up
National Cheerleading Championship '10 Champion
1st ATCI Thailand '09 (Team) 2nd Runner-UpMs. Liang like Jia Hui has had a background in gymnastics (trampoline) during her secondary and college education. Being in professional cheerleading for short time, she has shown many cheerleaders out there that through hard work and passion, you can excel at the sport! Her skill set includes pyramids, basket-tosses, gymnastics and partner stunts. Having been motivated by other flyers such as Ruth and Xuewei, Huihui's strive for improvment and trying out new stunts is something one should be proud of!

Number of Years Cheerleading: 2.5 Years
Current Appointments: Assistant Coach for NTU Hall 8
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '09 1st Runner-Up
National Cheerleading Championship '10 Champion
1st ATCI Thailand '09 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
Heidi's everessence smile and cheerful personality is what makes her so special. Being able to light up the room with her smile, but yet at the same time being cool-headed and calm when doing stunts make Heidi very unique in her own way. She demands perfection from everything she does and strives for individual as well as team excellence be it on the mats of off it. Her skills include basket-tosses, gymnastics, partner stunts and pyramids. Heidi has worked hard to achieve what she as in the short time she has been involved in cheerleading. Her dream is to one day be a role model to cheerleaders everywhere and help improve Singapore's cheer scene!
Gan Xinyi
Number of Years Cheerleading: 4 years
Ex-Team: KR Steppers
Current Appointment: ASTROS Photographer, Cheer Goddess
Accomplishments: Cheerobics 2008 - Team - 1st Runner Up
Cheerobics 2008 - All Girls Group Stunts - 2nd Runner Up
Singapore National Cheerleading Championships (SNCC) - Team - 1st Runner Up
Asia Thailand Cheerleading Invitational (ATCI) - Team - 1st Runner Up
Cheerleading Word Championships 2011 4th Placing (LIONS)
Xinyi having been in cheer for a considerable number of years, has become a cheer Icon in Singapore's cheer scene. The name "Cheer Goddess" has become a household name, and almost every cheerleader in Singapore have hear of her celestial powers and amazing ability! Xinyi serves to be an inspiration to the cheer community. She is a kind and compassionate cheerleader who is willing to lead and serve to make Singapore's cheer scene a much more vibrant and exciting. Her efforts can be see through her continual participation in international competitions and her recent activity in the national team (LIONS). I think we can all say "G O Double-D E Double-S"!!!
Liu Xingwei
Number of Years Cheerleading: 7 Years
Current Appointment: Coach NUS Alpha Verve
Assistant Coach NTU Hall 12
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '04 1st Runner-Up
Cheerobics '05 1st Runner-Up
Cheerobics '06 Champion
Cheerobics '07 Champion
Cheerobics '08 Champion
Cheerobics '08 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
1st CAIO Japan '07 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
IFC Worlds '09 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
Cheer Idol of Singpaore 07-Present
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
ICU Certified Judge Level 1
ICU Certified Judge Level 2
A cheerleader for 7 years, Xingwei can do cupie, liberty, tick-tock, full-around, full-up cupie, standing back tuck, round-off back tuck, you name it he can do it! Having developed an impressive skill set comprising of partner stunts, pyramids, gymnastics and much more, Xingwei can be said to be at the pinnacle of cheerleading in Singapore. Being one of the fore-runners in partner stunts, everyone looks up to Xingwei as a Master or "Shifu" as we Chinese call it. His constant encouragement and unyielding spirit to bring Singapore's cheer scene to new heights makes his one of the elite in his sport!
Kelvin Chen
Number of Years Cheerleading: 4.5 Years
Having only participated in Cheerleading for the later part of his university life, Kelvin has made a mark for himself in the cheer scene in Singapore. Being able to do partner stunts, pyramids, gymnastics he as took it upon himself to be the best in everything! Having competed in local and overseas competitions he has gain a treasure trove of experience in Cheerleading. His abilities in correcting mistakes makes him a great advisor and mentor
Hee Yuen Bao
Number of Years Cheerleading: 8.5 Years
Heidi's everessence smile and cheerful personality is what makes her so special. Being able to light up the room with her smile, but yet at the same time being cool-headed and calm when doing stunts make Heidi very unique in her own way. She demands perfection from everything she does and strives for individual as well as team excellence be it on the mats of off it. Her skills include basket-tosses, gymnastics, partner stunts and pyramids. Heidi has worked hard to achieve what she as in the short time she has been involved in cheerleading. Her dream is to one day be a role model to cheerleaders everywhere and help improve Singapore's cheer scene!

Gan Xinyi
Number of Years Cheerleading: 4 years
Ex-Team: KR Steppers
Current Appointment: ASTROS Photographer, Cheer Goddess
Accomplishments: Cheerobics 2008 - Team - 1st Runner Up
Cheerobics 2008 - All Girls Group Stunts - 2nd Runner Up
Singapore National Cheerleading Championships (SNCC) - Team - 1st Runner Up
Asia Thailand Cheerleading Invitational (ATCI) - Team - 1st Runner Up
Cheerleading Word Championships 2011 4th Placing (LIONS)
Xinyi having been in cheer for a considerable number of years, has become a cheer Icon in Singapore's cheer scene. The name "Cheer Goddess" has become a household name, and almost every cheerleader in Singapore have hear of her celestial powers and amazing ability! Xinyi serves to be an inspiration to the cheer community. She is a kind and compassionate cheerleader who is willing to lead and serve to make Singapore's cheer scene a much more vibrant and exciting. Her efforts can be see through her continual participation in international competitions and her recent activity in the national team (LIONS). I think we can all say "G O Double-D E Double-S"!!!

Number of Years Cheerleading: 7 Years
Current Appointment: Coach NUS Alpha Verve
Assistant Coach NTU Hall 12
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '04 1st Runner-Up
Cheerobics '05 1st Runner-Up
Cheerobics '06 Champion
Cheerobics '07 Champion
Cheerobics '08 Champion
Cheerobics '08 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
1st CAIO Japan '07 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
IFC Worlds '09 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
Cheer Idol of Singpaore 07-Present
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
ICU Certified Judge Level 1
ICU Certified Judge Level 2
A cheerleader for 7 years, Xingwei can do cupie, liberty, tick-tock, full-around, full-up cupie, standing back tuck, round-off back tuck, you name it he can do it! Having developed an impressive skill set comprising of partner stunts, pyramids, gymnastics and much more, Xingwei can be said to be at the pinnacle of cheerleading in Singapore. Being one of the fore-runners in partner stunts, everyone looks up to Xingwei as a Master or "Shifu" as we Chinese call it. His constant encouragement and unyielding spirit to bring Singapore's cheer scene to new heights makes his one of the elite in his sport!

Number of Years Cheerleading: 4.5 Years
Current Appointment: ASTROS Dance Coach
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '07 Champion
Cheerobics '08 Champion
Cheerobics '09 (Partner Stunts) Champion
Cheerobics '09 (Partner Stunts) Champion
1st CAIO Japan '07 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
IFC Worlds '09 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
Having only participated in Cheerleading for the later part of his university life, Kelvin has made a mark for himself in the cheer scene in Singapore. Being able to do partner stunts, pyramids, gymnastics he as took it upon himself to be the best in everything! Having competed in local and overseas competitions he has gain a treasure trove of experience in Cheerleading. His abilities in correcting mistakes makes him a great advisor and mentor

Number of Years Cheerleading: 8.5 Years
Current Appointment: V-President Federation of Cheerleading SG (FCS)
Coach of NTU Hall 9
Resident Gymnast Coach of ASTROS
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '03 2nd Runner-Up
Cheerobics '07 Champion
Cheerobics '08 Champion
Cheerobics '08 (Group Stunts) 2nd Runner-Up
Cheerobics '09 Champion
1st CAIO Japan '07 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
1st ATCI Thailand '09 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
IFC Certified Coach Class 2
IFC Certified Judge
Having humble beginnings in cheerleading during his college days, Yuenbo's experience as a floor/trampoline gymnast has help him mature and develop a considerable amount in the world of cheer. Yuenbo is a man of ultimate patience and this makes him a very capable and good teacher/coach. His experience in partner stunts, gymnastics and pyramids enables him to produce top notch choreography for routines and stunts. He also hopes to bring Singapore's Cheer Scene to a higher level and works hard for it!
Yaw Kah Weng
Number of Years Cheering : 3.5 Years
Kahweng is a very good example of practice makes perfect! Specializing in partner stunts and having competed in the 2nd Asia Thailand Competition Invitation (ATCI) and coming in second speaks worlds about his abilities. He at the same time can do gymnastics and pyramids making him an all rounded cheerleader in almost all aspects. Having the experience of coaching NTU Hall 8 for almost 2 years, Kahweng is able to produce capable cheerleaders under his tutelage and also showcase fantastic and exciting routines. His background in dance also gives him an advantage in choreography. His easy to work with attitude makes him a valuable asset to Team ASTROS.

Number of Years Cheering : 3.5 Years
Current Appointments: Coach of NTU Hall 8
Accomplishments: Cheerobic '08 (Group Stunts) Champion
Cheerobics 08' 2nd Runner-Up
Cheerobics '09 Champion
National Cheerleading Championship '10 Champion
1st ATCI Thailand '09 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
Cheerobics 08' 2nd Runner-Up
Cheerobics '09 Champion
National Cheerleading Championship '10 Champion
1st ATCI Thailand '09 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
2nd ATCI Thailand '10 (Partner Stunts) 1st Runner-Up
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
Cheerleading Word Championships 2011 4th Placing (LIONS)
Asia Thailand Cheerleading Invitational (ATCI) - Team - 1st Runner Up
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
Cheerleading Word Championships 2011 4th Placing (LIONS)
Asia Thailand Cheerleading Invitational (ATCI) - Team - 1st Runner Up
Kahweng is a very good example of practice makes perfect! Specializing in partner stunts and having competed in the 2nd Asia Thailand Competition Invitation (ATCI) and coming in second speaks worlds about his abilities. He at the same time can do gymnastics and pyramids making him an all rounded cheerleader in almost all aspects. Having the experience of coaching NTU Hall 8 for almost 2 years, Kahweng is able to produce capable cheerleaders under his tutelage and also showcase fantastic and exciting routines. His background in dance also gives him an advantage in choreography. His easy to work with attitude makes him a valuable asset to Team ASTROS.

Number of Years Cheering: 2.5 Years
Current Appointments: Assistant Coach of NTU Hall 8
Resident ASTROS Photographer
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '09 1st Runner-Up
National Cheerleading Championship '10 Champion
1st ATCI Thailand '09 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
Like Kelvin, Kerry started cheerleading in his final year in University. Though having only being a short time in cheerleading, he has tried to push his limits to hard work and continuous practice. Under the guidance of many of the seniors in ASTROS, Kerry has slowly come to prove to himself not "Nothing is Impossible". Having gained experience in helping to assist in coaching, he has managed to equip himself with a considerable set of skills which would prove helpful to Team ASTROS and anyone who might need his help.
Like Kelvin, Kerry started cheerleading in his final year in University. Though having only being a short time in cheerleading, he has tried to push his limits to hard work and continuous practice. Under the guidance of many of the seniors in ASTROS, Kerry has slowly come to prove to himself not "Nothing is Impossible". Having gained experience in helping to assist in coaching, he has managed to equip himself with a considerable set of skills which would prove helpful to Team ASTROS and anyone who might need his help.
Number of Years Cheering: 3.5 Years
Current Appointments: V-President Federation of Cheerleading SG (FCS)
Coach of NTU Hall 10
Accomplishments: Cheerobic '08 2nd Runners-Up
Cheerobics '09 Champion
National Cheerleading Championship '10 Champion
1st ATCI Thailand '09 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
Kaibin is living proof that you don't have to exceptionally big and strong to be a cheerleader, his skill sets also proves that point doubly. Being an experienced toe-pitcher, he excels in pyramids, gymnastics and partner stunts all of which he does his utmost best in. Teamwork is where he excels in too. He current holds the position of Vice-President in the Federation of Cheerleading Singapore (FCS) and works hard at improving the cheer scene in Singapore. His experience in handling international matters with the Cheerleading Federations of other countries as well as being a coach in NTU makes his a great addition to the ASTROS family.

Harlis Muska
Number of Years Cheerleading: 7 Years
Ex-Team : Denvers All-Stars
Current Appointment: Member
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '07 (Group Stunt) - 1st Runner Up
CheerEmas 2007 @ Kuala Lumpur - (Group Stunts) Champion
Singapore Kindness Movement CheerFest 2007 - 1st Runner Up
Singapore Kindness Movement CheerFest 2009 - 1st Runner Up
ICC National Cheerleading Championships @ Indonesia (Group Stunt) 2010 - 1st Runner Up
1st SEACO 2011 Coed Premier, Team Cheer Division - 2nd Runner Up
ICC National Cheerleading Championships @ Indonesia (Group Stunt) 2011 - 1st Runner Up
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
Harlis has started cheerleading since 2004, and his passion for cheerleading is keeps on growing every year that he goes on. Being an all rounder in the stunts area such as partner stunts, group stunts & pyramids, doing all this has been an easy task for him. A cheerful and never give up attitude is always a motivational thing for him and the rest of the cheerleaders that knows him. Harlis has been going around helping and guiding people who are new to the cheer scene, hoping that one day he can proudly say that Cheerleading in Singapore is a premier sport!

Number of Years Cheerleading: 5.5 Years
Current Appointment: Coach of Magnum Force (Ngee Ann Poly)
Coach of NTU Hall 7
Accomplishments: Cheerobics '06 Champion
Cheerobics '07 Champion
Cheerobics '08 Champion
1st CAIO Japan '07 (Team) 2nd Runner-Up
IFC Certified Coach Class 1
ICU Certified Coach Class 2
Neville is well looked upon in Singapore's cheer scene. He started his cheerleading in University and excelled at the sport. His skills include a wide range of partner stunts and pyramids. Coming out of recuperation from his 2009 injury, Neville has proven to many others that nothing can stop him, he is now back in full force and doing things he once used to do but better! Being a coach has also allowed him to be able to produce beautiful and amazing routines, he also can efficiently teach beginners and experts alike. His presence in ASTROS helps to make trainings enjoyable with his constant smiles and encouragement.